Tuesday 29 January 2013

Seeing the church as it really is....

"Sometimes we're so wrapped up in our vision of ourselves that the reality of our life together becomes lost.  We see empty pews and waning energies, and we don't for a moment question our approach.  It's not that we've ossified worship, turning it into little more than an involuntary liturgical spasm.  It's not that we've "redefined worship" to the point that all that is left is formless chaos.  It's not that our vision of God is so sharp and cold that it hurts to touch it, or so diffuse that it is invisible to the naked eye.  It's not that we are organizationally incompetent, or that we strangle growth with layers of bureaucratic folderol. It's that people just don't understand.  They're not ready for our genius or our passion.  Or they're lazy and inadequately rigorous in their faith.  There are a thousand reasons, none of which have to do with us or our vision of life together. When our relationship with the reality of God's creation is broken, we can no longer realize what we have become." 
 - David Williams blogging as "Beloved Spear"  (http://www.belovedspear.org/2013/01/first-church-of-lovelyloveville.html)

Image courtesy of Tom Curtis / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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