Thursday 31 January 2013

Celtic prayer

God to enfold me,                                            
God to surround me,                                       
God in my speaking,                                     
God in my thinking.                                       
God in my sleeping,                                       
God in my waking,                                          
God in my watching,               
God in my hoping.                                          
God in my life,                                                  
God in my lips,                                                  
God in my hands,                                              
God in my heart.                                             

God in my sufficing,                                   
God in my slumber,                                
God in mine ever-living soul,                   
God in mine eternity.     

           From  Carmina Gadelica: Hymns and Incantations, collected in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland by Alexander Carmichael. 

Image courtesy of ahmet guler /

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