Tuesday 3 July 2012

What is the church?

Meanings of the word church from book: A New Pocket Dictionary (A dictionary of thoughts and meanings according to everyone but Webster)  by Lindy Black

1.Not a rapport with the status quo. - Harvey Cox; 

2. A hospital for sinners, not a sanctuary for saints, 

3. The church is YOU; - Lindy Black

4. A chosen race, a royal priesthood, a dedicated nation, - 1Pet.2:9  

5. Church is a work of faith (not a plan for success ) - Tom Vanderstadt);    

6. The body of Christ Christian theology  

7. The Church is an organism that grows best in an alien society. - Stacey Woods  

8. A community of walking wounded.  

9 What you have left when the building burns down and the preacher leaves town. 

10. Haven in a heartless world.   -  Coffin  

11. Not  a moral exterminator. 

12. The great lost and found. 

13 The Church is for the perfecting of the members not a rest home for the perfect.  - Elder Neal A. Maxwell (1926–2004), 

14.  The conscience of the state…  - Martin Luther King Jr. 

15. Provides opportunities for people to touch the infinite center of all things and to grow into all they are destined to be.  -  Spong

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