Friday 29 June 2012


"Jesus claims to provide an adequate respose to human dastardliness - that sneaky wickedness that is corporate and individual, conscious and unconscious, seen and unseen.
There is something alluring about the word dastardly. I use the word dastardly instead of the much simpler word sin. I do this because the word sin has little resonance in a secular society, but the failure to recognise sin does not mean that it has no impact. As we puzzle how to pivot, to turn ourselves around and turn the issue...  around we are confronted by sin - dastardliness, our own, other peoples and the dastardliness that runs adeep and furtively through our world. Jesus provides a path through this dastardliness. For those who are Christians this way through is secured through Jesus' death and resurrection, but Christians and non Christains alike will be interested in how, by showing us how to live, Jesus also provides a path through dastardliness."   - Ann Morisy

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