Tuesday 5 February 2013

Remind us of Jesus...

"On a day of many responsibilities,
a day of niggling details,
a day of blessed encounters,
remind us of Jesus, who sat at the table.

On a day of rushing here and there,
or sitting too long at a desk,
or juggling home and church,
remind us of Jesus, who sat at the table.

On a day that lasts too long,
with work stretching beyond sunset,
with always one more chore to perform,
remind us of Jesus, who sat at the table.

On a day ending sooner than seems possible,
with dinner to prepare or papers to write,
homework to complete or check or grade,
remind us of Jesus, who sat at the table.

Bless our work and our prayers,
our hearts and our minds,
our bodies and our souls, we pray. Amen."
- A prayer for a busy day
Image courtesy of zole4 / FreeDigitalPhotos.net

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